Frequently Asked Questions
We offer Telehealth (phone, video meetings, etc.) for all of our counseling-based services. ASC also provides education, prevention and outreach services to the community.
AIM (Afterhours Individualized Mobile Engagement) Team is a free after-hours crisis response service for individuals experiencing issues related to substance use disorder. Peer Recovery Supporters make in-person visits to individuals where they are within the I-275 loop and transport individuals to area treatment centers IMMEDIATELY when appropriate.
Contact our 24/7 Helpline at (513) 620-RING (7464) for an initial information gathering conversation that will be followed by an assessment.
Do I need to be referred?
No, you may be a self-referral by simply contacting ASC at 513-620-RING (7464). Many clients are referred from outside sources too. ASC collaborates with these agencies as needed.
Does ASC accept insurance?
Medicaid insurance is accepted. A sliding fee scale is also available. While ASC accepts accept all forms of Medicaid, we are not currently accepting private insurance.
What if I do not have insurance?
ASC staff can assist you in applying for Medicaid.
How much do your services cost?
If you have Medicaid, it is likely that you not pay anything out of pocket, unless you have a co-pay. Self-pay is also accepted should you wish to utilize that method of payment. ASC does not accept private insurance at this time.
What type licensing and/or certifications does the ASC staff have?
All direct-service staff are required to hold a CDCA license (Chemical Dependency Counselor Assistant), at minimum; however, most hold a higher-level license. All staff-providing outpatient-counseling services hold a minimum of a Master's degree and a state-issued license in the area of either social work or counseling.
Several team members are in recovery themselves.Will our conversations be confidential?
Yes, all services at Addiction Services Council adhere to the laws and standards as they are outlined in the HIPPA Privacy Act and Ohio's 42 CFR manual.
What is type of assessments do you do?
We provide a full diagnostic assessment, which explores client’s issues by addressing substance abuse, mental health, physical health, and other well-being areas.
Does ASC offer group or individual counseling?
Both. Individual and group counseling services are offered for a variety of substance abuse related issues.
Currently, we provide two evening recovery groups. One group via telehealth (phone, video meetings, etc.). The second group is in-person.
Does your agency offer inpatient, outpatient and/or offer detox services?
ASC is a non-intensive out-patient services agency. ASC case coordinators can effectively link you with resources for out patient or detox.
What services do you offer?
On a 24/7 basis, ASC offers individual and group substance abuse counseling for children, adolescents, and adults, assessment and referral services, case coordination, family and prevention-based community services.
Can I get Intensive Outpatient services with you?
You are welcome to come to us for an assessment. If it is determined that you require intensive outpatient, we can link you to an agency that would meet that need. ASC does not offer intensive outpatient services.
Will I get into treatment today?
It's possible, but it depends on your concerns as well as availability at ASC or at another agency.
Do you offer any services for children?
We provide ASC’s traditional services to children ages 11 and up. We also provide an enrichment camp each summer called KUUMBA. This camp has been a staple of our programming for over a decade and is one of our most successful youth-based services.
Does your agency provide mental health services?
ASC requires clients to have a substance abuse diagnosis. If an individual, also has a mental health diagnosis, ASC will see them, but the substance abuse diagnosis will be the focus of their time with us.
How long is the program?
A client’s progress is continually assessed and discussed with the clinician to determine an appropriate time line. The length of services can vary from person to person depending on severity of use and progress in treatment. Progress is continually assessed and discussed to determine an appropriate time line. A typical outpatient program is 10-12 sessions, 1x each week for up to 90 days.
What do you talk about in the assessment?
The primary goal of an assessment is to gather information and explore the client’s needs for recovery including past and present use patterns. ASC sees people from all walks of life. Each person is unique. We identify the affected areas of the client’s life including physical/emotional health, employment, family/friend circles, education, employment and legal matters, if any. In this way, ASC clinicians can make the most appropriate recommendation for services that will meet as many needs as possible. A discussion about a treatment plan follows after the assessment is completed.
Are you a Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) Program (Suboxone, Methadone, Vivitrol)?
ASC can help connect you to local agencies that currently offer Vivitrol or any other medication-assisted treatment (MAT) services
Is there a psychiatrist at ASC that I can see who could prescribe my medication?
No, ASC does not have a psychiatrist on staff to fill your medication needs.
Do I have to provide a urine sample if my probation officer has already tested me?
ASC reserves the right to obtain random urine screens at sessions. Clients may sign a release of information for their PO and obtain the dates/results of those screenings.
Does ASC drug test all clients?
Yes, on a case-by-case basis and/or if the client is referred by a probation or parole officer.
We are willing to talk with you about what your options.
Is there family programming available?
ASC has proudly provided family services for more than 25 years. Please contact us to learn more.
Can you make someone go to treatment even if they do not want to?
Whether your family member is interested in recovery at this time, families can begin to recover now. Recovery is possible for any and all family members. Please call for more information.
Is a Spanish-speaking staff person available for my call?
Yes, we have bilingual staff.
Does ASC serve undocumented Spanish-speaking clients from Hamilton County?
Yes, on a case-by-case basis. Call for more information.
Can you help me get a bus pass? (requires qualification)
In addition to providing information and referral, ASC can provide contact information that will connect you to resources for bus passes and/or any other supplemental aid that can assist in achieving stability for successful recovery.
Do you help with housing?
We have a team of case coordinators who can assist individuals with housing resources and support.
Can you help me find a job?
Our team of case coordinators can help individuals to be connected with employment opportunities. ASC maintains an active job posting board onsite at 2828 Vernon Place
Is Addiction Services Council a non-profit?
ASC is a registered 501(c)3 in the state of Ohio.
How is ASC funded?
ASC is funded primarily through local and state grants.
What are ASC’s fundraising efforts during the year?
An annual fund drive, and on occasion, the Board of Trustees may add other fundraising efforts as well.
What percentage of ASC operating budget goes to fundraising efforts annually?
On average about 1%.